InterpNET is the largest online database of categorized information related to the field of signed language interpreting. Created by Dr. Muroski and a team of experts at the RIT|NTID RITE Lab, InterpNET provides access to a curated array of resource links pertaining to the field of signed language interpreting.
What is in InterpNET?
InterpNET website currently contains over 14,000 links to videos, journal articles, books, laws & regulations, certifications, historical information, educational resources, and cultural networks organized into the five categories listed below. It also features a crowdsourcing option for participants to add their own resources and further grow the database!
Resources and information relating to the lives, experiences, and culture of Deaf people
Resources and information relating to signed language interpreting
Links to signed language interpreting and Deaf-related resources and information specific to each state and Puerto Rico
A comprehensive collection of discipline-books related to the field of signed language interpreting
A comprehensive collection of professional journals published in the field of signed language, interpretation, and translation
Our Team of Experts
The dedicated people who worked to bring InterpNET to life!
Rebekah Walker
RIT Digital Humanities/Social Sciences Librarian
Christina Wrynn
Research Assistant, United States Resource Map
Sunil Sharma
Research Assistant
Joan Naturale
RIT|NTID Librarian/Deaf Studies Archives Liaison
Erich Snell
Co-op Student Web Designer
Stephen Jacobs
Open@RIT Director, CoPI of SPDI grant
Misha Szende
RIT Library Student Web Designer
Hanul Morgan
Web and User Interface Designer
Kirk Anne
ITS Research Computing Center Director
Jaide Winant
Student Undergraduate Research Fellow
Lyn Eaton
Research Assistant