Presentations, Publications, & Grants
Muroski, K. & Eaton, L. (2024, November). Participatory Action Research in Interpreter Education: Theoretical Framework and Practical Applications. Conference for Interpreter Trainers: Berkeley, CA.
Muroski, K. (2024, October). The Complexities of Achieving Narrator-Centeredness when Deaf People, Hearing People, & Interpreters are in Play. Oral History Association National Conference: Cincinnati, OH.
Muroski, K. (2024, February). InterpNET: A New Resource Website for the Field of Education and Interpreting. Association of College Educators-- Deaf and Hard of Hearing International Conference: Las Vegas, NV.
Wright, J & Muroski, K. (2023, July). The Taboo perceptions of interpreters working in sexual health settings. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference: Baltimore, MD.
Muroski, K. (2023, July). InterpNET: A Website of Resources & Information for the Field of Signed Language Interpreting. Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf National Conference: Baltimore, MD.
Muroski, K. (2022, September). InterpNET: A comprehensive open, interactive digital database of resources for the field of signed language interpreting. Conference of Interpreter Trainers International Conference: King of Prussia, PA.
Talbott, V., Muroski, K., & Kurz, K. (2022, September). DISC Personality Instrument: Implications for Interpreters and Interpreting Students. Conference of Interpreter Trainers International Conference: King of Prussia, PA
Muroski, K. & Patrie, C. (2022, October). The Effective Interpreting Series: Applying GoReact Markers as Assessment Strategy. Online Webinar.
Muroski, K. (2022, June). A Consideration of Cultural Capital in Higher Education. STEM Education Research Mini-Symposium (Rochester Institute of Technology): Rochester, NY.
Muroski, K. (2019, November). Self-Assessment: The Key to Improved Interpretations. PA Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf State-Wide Conference. State College, PA.
Muroski, K. (2017, April). Differing grammatical systems: An investigation of pronominal systems in ASL-English simultaneous interpretation. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Signed Language, Interpreter, and Translation Research. Washington, DC.
Muroski, K. (2017, April). The importance of cultural capital for sign language interpreters. Street Leverage Live. St. Paul, MN.
Muroski, K. (2016, February). Working with deaf students. Altoona Area School District Special Education Department. Altoona, PA.
Muroski, K. (2016, October). Adapting syllabi: Offering cultural capital to students with disparate backgrounds. Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Lexington, KY.
Muroski, K. (2016, October). Autonomous interpreting assessment: An effective practice. Presentation at Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Lexington, KY.
Muroski, K. (2014, March). Team interpreting: Making each other look good. Bloomsburg University Students-of-Interpreting Conference. Bloomsburg, PA.
Muroski, K. (2014, November). Classroom management with American Sign Language. Mount Aloysius College Education class. Cresson, PA.
Muroski, K. (2014, November). Working with a sign language interpreter. Mount Aloysius College Introduction to Law enforcement class. Cresson, PA.
Muroski, K. (2014, October). Classroom management with American Sign Language. Mount Nittany Elementary School. Boalsburg, PA.
Muroski, K. (2014, April). First generation college students: Improving their chances one syllabus at a time. Mount Aloysius College Academic Workshop Series. Cresson, PA.
Muroski, K. (2013, October). Talking with our hands. Park Forest Elementary School. State College, PA.
Muroski, K. (2013, February). Talking with our hands. Park Forest Elementary School. State College, PA.
Muroski, K. (2012, May). Talking with our hands. Park Forest Elementary School. State College, PA.
Muroski, K. & Corrodo, A. (2008, October). Analyzing and improving prosodic features in American Sign Language. Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) Weekend with the Experts. Harrisburg, PA.
Muroski, K. (2003, November). Oral interpreting/transliterating: Definition, technique, and practice. Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) Statewide Teleconference. Pittsburgh, PA.
Stager-Muroski, K. (May, 2003). Sign with your kids. Columbia Human Services Coalition Early Childhood Conference. Bloomsburg, PA.
Muroski, K. & Lewis, C. (2003, July). Beneficial mentoring. Presentation at Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Chicago, IL.
Lewis, C. & Muroski, K. (2003, July). Team interpreting: Making each other look good. Presentation at Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Chicago, Illinois
Muroski, K. (2002, October). Practicum seminar: The last step to employment. Poster Presentation at Conference of Interpreter Trainers. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Muroski, K. (under review). Signed Language Interpreter Educators: Where Are They Acquiring Their Knowledge? Translation & Interpreting.
Muroski, K. S. (2024). Signed Language Interpreter Education: A Comparison of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation Bachelor's Students. International Journal of Interpreter Education, 15(1), 5.
Muroski, K., (2023). InterpNET.
Kurz, K. B., Muroski, K. S., & Talbott, V. B. (2021). The DISC® Personal Profiles of Emerging Sign Language Interpreters. Journal of Interpretation, 29(1), 7.
Quinto-Pozos, D., Muroski, K., & Saunders, E. (2019). Pronouns in ASL-English Simultaneous Interpretation. Journal of Interpretation, 27(1), 3.
Muroski, K. S. (2019.) Authoring a Profession: A Historiography of Book Publishing and Educational Usage of Books in ASL-English Interpretation. (Dissertation.) Gallaudet University. Washington, DC.
Stager-Muroski, K. A. 2004. “The Missing Ethic.” RID Views. 21 (2): 1.
2024. AdvanceRIT.
“Strategic Visibility: Empowering Women Academics through the Development of Self-Promotion and Networking”
$4,841.00 (Awarded)
PI: Muroski, K, CoPIs Newman, D. & Stager, S.
2024. AdvanceRIT.
“Women at the Frontier of Interdisciplinary Research, Scholarship, and Technology (Women FIRST)”
$3,100.00 (Awarded)
PI: Rothensburg, S., CoPI: Muroski, K,
2022. Scholarship Portfolio Development Initiative (SPDI).
$12,000.00 (Awarded)
“The Profession of Signed Language Interpreting: Digital Database & Historical Timeline”
PI: Muroski, K., CoPI: Jacobs, S.
2022. Provost Leadership Opportunity Grant (PLOG).
$2,075.00 (Awarded)
PI: Muroski, K.
“National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD)”
2021. Provost’s Leadership Opportunity Grant (PLOG).
$1,944.00 (Awarded)
PI: Dye, M.; Co-PIs: Bosworth, R. & Muroski, K.
“Developing Research Leadership Skills”